par | Oct 19, 2020 | Formations
Résumé de la formation Transformation-afrique-résumé en version pdf ici!...
par | Juil 16, 2020 | Transformations dans d'autres pays
Rêvez-vous devenir coach de groupe avec des outils de qualité? Formation Devenez animateur/facilitateur de groupe pour Table Ronde GPS 4 séances de 1h30 4, 11, 19, 26 août 2020 Virtuel + retransmission en Côte d'Ivoire possible RSVP INSCRIVEZ-VOUS MAINTENANT!...
par | Mai 29, 2020 | Formations
This first day of training in the GPS Roundtables methodology took place at BOBST SA above Lausanne. We were privileged to have the founders of Global Priority Solutions with us, Jerry Anderson accompanied by Mike Poulin and Lisa Troyer. 75 people from all over Europe...
par | Mai 29, 2020 | Transformations dans d'autres pays
Leading Ireland’s Future Together Online Leadership Sessions A LIFT online leadership session (also called a roundtable) is a space where we work through a proven process to think about leadership values, what they mean to us and how we could...
par | Mai 29, 2020 | Transformations dans d'autres pays
Testimony of Astrid Meyer With the John Maxwell Team I had the privilege of accompanying John Maxwell to Paraguay in 2019. Paraguay’s education system is in crisis. More than half of the children currently attending public schools will not graduate. Many live in...
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